Astrobiologist of the Month



Every month we feature two astrobiologists from around the world. Our aim is for everyone to get to know each other, connect and network.  If you would like to be featured, let us know here.

✉️ foton [at] iag [dot] usp [dot] br
🌎 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

PhD students

“I studied Physics in La Plata, Argentina, and had a very broad view of Sciences and their relations. After my PhD work, I worked on Relativistic Astrophysics and became interested in the effects of radiation bursts onto biospheres. In 2011, I helped to create the Astrobiology Research Unit at São Paulo University, which nucleated many young researchers coming from different backgrounds, acted as a Head until 2021”.

Professor of the IAG Institute at São Paulo University (USP)

Career Pathway
Bachelor in Physics (La Plata U., Argentina) and PhD in Physical Sciences at the same institution (no Masters)

Research Topics
Radiation bursts in astrophysical events, survival of organisms to intense radiation bursts, mathematical modelling of biological environments

Why did you decide to become an Astrobiologist?
I did not really "decided", the problems are so interesting and wide that they came to me naturally and the connection with colleagues and students completed the task

If your lab/research group had a nickname, what would it be?

Are you accepting students?
PhD students