Astrobiologist of the Month



Every month we feature two astrobiologists from around the world. Our aim is for everyone to get to know each other, connect and network.Β  If you would like to be featured, let us know here.

βœ‰οΈ sono [at] mit [dot] edu
🌎 Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Undergraduate students
PhD students
(for more information, click here)

β€œI am interested in how microbes catalyze chemical reactions and shape the chemistry of our atmosphere and oceans. Our laboratory has explored the early evolution of atmospheric oxygen using stable sulfur isotope systems and developed a novel tool to pinpoint the origin of methane, significant long-lived greenhouse gas and a key biosignature gas for space exploration.”


Professor of Geochemistry at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Career Pathway

PhD Geochemistry, Penn State University; ME in Economic Geology, Waseda University; BS Geology, Waseda University

Research Topics

Stable Isotope; Infrared Spectroscopy; Geobiology

Why did you decide to become an Astrobiologist?

I was curious how did Earth become habitable

If your lab/research group had a nickname, what would it be?

Hard Core Stable Isotope Laboratory

Are you accepting students?

Undergraduate and PhD students (for more information, click here)