Astrobiologist of the Month

Every month we feature two astrobiologists from around the world. Our aim is for everyone to get to know each other, connect and network.  If you would like to be featured, let us know here.



✉️ maglau [at] idsse [dot] ac [dot] cn
🌏 Sanya, Hainan Province, China


WeChat: idsse2018

PhD students
Postdoc fellows


“I am fascinated by life, especially the microorganisms that live under extreme conditions. I enjoy doing science because there is always something new to learn. I love my family. I walk in Christ (Colossians 2:6).”

Researcher at Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering (IDSSE), Chinese Academy of Sciences

Career Pathway
I was trained as a microbial ecologist. I obtained my B.Sc. (Hons.) in Environmental Life Science, and Ph.D. in Microbial Ecology from University of Hong Kong, HKSAR. I am adventurous and always like to take on challenges. When Prof. Stephen Pointing told me a potential Ph.D. project would be studying the thermophiles in Tibetan hot springs, I knew that was what I would pursue. I have been captivated by extremophiles since then.

My Ph.D. Thesis is entitled "Ecology of natural thermophilic communities in The Tibet Autonomous Region (China)". I stayed in my alma mater for a postdoctoral position. I felt uncertain about continuing a career in academia. Without a more convincing argument for me to leave the academic path, I decided to stay. Then, I sought for postdoctoral opportunities abroad, as I saw that would benefit my growth as a scientist and as I become more equipped, that would benefit my future students also.

It was my great pleasure and honor to join late Prof. Tullis Onsott's lab at Princeton University, where I worked as a postdoctoral research fellow and later a research associate. I learned the concepts, techniques and methodologies in geomicrobiology.

In 2018 Fall, I started my own group at IDSSE, a young and vibrant institute at the beautiful city Sanya in Hainan Province, in China.

Research Topics
Microbial ecology and evolution; Physiology and adaptation to environmental stress; Biogeography; Symbiosis; Environmental multi-omics; Geobiology; Extremophiles; Hot springs; Arid regions; Arctic and Antarctic research; Deep subsurface; Aerobiology; Astrobiology; Extraterrestrial oceans.

Why did you decide to become an Astrobiologist?
My interests in extremophiles take me to Microbial Ecology, Geomicrobiology and, eventually, to Astrobiology.

If your lab/research group had a nickname, what would it be?

Are you accepting students?
PhD students; Postdoc fellows